
School Aid Fund As It Was Promised - May 17, 2011
Snyder's Plan for Public Schools Defies Voters Wishes - May 3, 2011
Benton Harbor Says No to EFM - May 3, 2011
Corporate Coup D'etat - April 26, 2011
Today Detroit, Tomorrow Every City in America - April 26, 2011
House Bill 4465 and 4466 Strike Penalties Even if No Strike Occurred - April 25, 2011
House Bill 4241 Eliminating Teacher Tenure - April 25, 2011
Depraved - April 25, 2011
Sending Snyder a Message - April 25, 2011
Snyder has doubts about his own jobs plan - April 24, 2011
Benton Harbor and its EFM - April 23, 2011
Current Status of Anti-Worker Bills - April 22, 2011
Strengthening the Economy Through The Restoration of Corporate Values - April 20, 2011
Education Budget Evolves - April 19, 2011
Detroit Pension Board Sues Over Emergency Financial Manager Law - April 19, 2011
Recall Petition Language Filed Today - April 18, 2011   
Daily Kos on Recall Petition
Detroit News on Recall Petition
Corporations Behind the Emergency Financial Manager Law - April 18, 2011
Small Business Will Suffer Under Snyder's Cuts, So Much For Helping the "Job Creators" - April 17, 2011
The plan to privatize education in Wisconsin is coming to Michigan. - See here
Emergency Financial Manager Takes Over in Benton Harbor, Dismisses Government - April 15, 2011
Detroit to lay off all 5,644 teachers, here we go - April 15, 2011
Robert Bobb Gets Bobbed - April 15, 2011
Union Members Rally In Lansing - April 13, 2011 Lansing State Journal
School Aid Fund in Surplus Equal to Plus 300 Dollars per Student - April 10, 2011
School Aid Fund Surplus Yet Cuts to Education Spending? - April 4, 2011
Judge rules 3% taken from teachers unconstitutional, may be appealed by Snyder - April 4, 2011
Several unions rally at The University of Michigan / Just one of many rallies around the state - April 4, 2011

Mackinaw Center and Michigan Press Association refile FOIA request to see teachers e-mails that may show illegal union strike plans - April 1, 2011

Movement to Recall Snyder Grows - March 31, 2011

Detroit - March 30, 2011
Jill Mattson Smigielski 
-----from Recall Governor Rick Snyder on Facebook
So, Robert Bobb, the EFM for Detroit has announced that 18 schools will close or be taken over by Charters......wow, anyone shocked? NOT BUT they have said the teacher's will be NON-UNION. If people don't open their eyes to see what's happening in Detroit as a possibility all around the state, we are in deep trouble!!!!! So apparently we'll become a big old charter school state. To this special education teacher, that scares me. Charter schools do NOT have to accept special education students.....

Manditory drug testing for all state employees in Florida every three months, Financial Martial Law in Michigan and Mackinaw Center demands all e-mails of the labor studies faculty at The University of Michigan, Wayne State University and Michigan State that includes the words Scott Walker, Wisconsin, Madison or Maddow. - March 30, 2011

Snyder Hopes Teachers Will Opt Not To Authorize Strike - March 29, 2011
    -Doesn't want children to become pawns in political game. Right.

Michigan Dems Propose a Constitutional Amendment to protect the money earmarked for the School Aid Fund - March 28, 2011

Craig Smith

‎- - - - -From Recall Governor Rick Snyder on Facebook
The higher tax base communities...and the school districts with good fiscal managers who looked ahead years ago; can absorb a lot of these massive cuts. Softening the blow a lot more... than most can.... But for the schools we all know who do not have the tax base or the property values to come close to handling these cuts to their schools; they will be decimated by this. And that's probably what Rick is doing. It's being done on purpose to cut and dismantle the poorer and less fortunate cities and districts, through NO FAULT of their own, they have seen reductions in populations and thus property values because of another conservatives economic policies. (Wallstreet housing meltdown) What this does is actually CREATE a vastly more serious problem, then Rick can assign one of his "Emergency Team" staffs to move in and get busy doing what he has been sent up there to do. Set up corporate Charters in place of publicly run (see Unions) districts. ---- Everyone needs to start spreading the word. Explain to your skeptical friends about the consequences of what this new Governor has done. "America is not broke!" And Michigan is not broke. But if we allow a governor to MAKE it broke, on the excuse of the budget balancing act; then all of us will suffer. And worse; our children will suffer.